A Cornucopia Never Seen Before in New Edinburgh!

Published on by Jamie

“Good morning, ma’am!  I see you’re looking at that
elegant wine-bottle drying rack.  It’s antique, by the way.  Yes, I know it’s plastic, but that’s
heritage plastic, ma’am…  For you?  A special price for you, ma’am.  I’ll even throw in this twenty-inch mirrored disco ball—heritage too, incidentally—some things never go out of fashion…"

This is the kind of palaver you would not have heard at the Global Family
Village Garage Sale, held on Saturday,

Sept. 17th in support of our 2011 Nepal Charity Trek to the Everest Base Camp.
The tables were manned by the Nepal Trek team, which meant a frank, honest appraisal of goods offered—no hard-sell, no

smarmy salesmanship. 

 When a gentleman asked for a price on a
microwave oven, we even plugged it in to make sure it worked. (It didn’t, but the gesture won his respect and gratitude.)

Many of the team also provided baked goods, which were sold by Nynke —who, ignoring
her uncle’s business model, asked for donations rather than a fixed price, and did extremely well, thank you.

Tanya, the youngest member of the trek team, sold to young and old in her inimitable way much of what she has collected in her young life
as she purges herself of material possessions.  

 Anda and Barry worked above and beyond the call of duty to collect materials, set up tables in the
predawn light, and spin (sober and true) stories about the items on sale.  Wendy, Lisa and Liesha manned their own tables while Judy benefited from
the unfailing assistance of her 81 year old mother, Helge.


Becky and Denis’s delicious all-natural sausages were gobbled up by bargain-hunters. 

All in all, everybody had a great time, including Racket the dog, who became energetically territorial whenever he thought
the place needed livening up. 

 Thanks to Gosse, for his stalwart
assistance, and his wife Michelle for donating the space in front of their house and for putting up with the crowds.  The
assistance and animated salesmanship of Anneke and Saraya was much appreciated in the early morning when the pressing crowds were intense. Jamie wants to thank Isabelle Murray and Adam Lamoureux
for donating a whole bunch of items to his table, which would have been pretty empty otherwise.  And thanks to everybody who came by for a chat, a bite or a bargain, your
contributions to our cause are hugely appreciated. 


For further information or to donate online visit Global Family Village or follow us on our Trek Blog.

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